Established in 1983, the Glendale Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to generate funds to enrich and enhance the programs and projects of the Glendale Unified School District in order to create a healthy and quality learning environment for the benefit of students, staff, parents and the community.
In 2005, a group of concerned volunteers and community stakeholders revitalized GEF's efforts due to ongoing significant budget cuts to GUSD's award winning Arts and Music programs, as well as to its Science and Technology, and Health and Fitness programs, which also experienced deep funding cuts. GEF hosts two annual special events that create opportunities for giving—our State of the Schools event and Disco and Diamonds Gala. GEF has collaborated with GUSD to assist the schools with specific needs since its inception.
For over 14 years, GEF has helped enrich GUSD students, teachers and has donated over $3.3 million that has been distributed to every GUSD school to enrich the lives of every student in our disctrict. Our key areas of focus are Visual and Performing Arts, Science and Technology, and Health and Wellness in order to help students achieve their mandatory Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which were adopted in California in 2010.
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