Helping Hands Program

To celebrate our 20th year, the Glendale Educational Foundation launched the Helping Hands Program. GEF teamed up with the Student Wellness Department and Equity, Access & Family Engagement to support the most vulnerable students in our community – foster, unhoused and refugee youth.
The $43,000 raised will offer tailored academic interventions through specialized tutoring, afterschool enrichment and social support.

Giving checks to the Student Wellness Department and Equity, Access & Family Engagement.
Contact our office if you wish to be a sponsor for the Helping Hands Program next year.
Sobering Facts
In California, the statewide average high school graduation rate is 83%. For students in foster care only 53% will graduate on time.
On any given day, there are nearly 437,000 children in foster care in the United States. California houses 60,000 of those children, 13% of the nation's total.
It's estimated that one third of all the nation's unaccompanied unhoused youth are in California.
Recent cumulative enrollment data show that at least 4.1% of California's students experience homelessness at some point during the 2022-23 school year – that's 246,480 young people.
Since 2022, child homelessness has increased in Glendale by 7%.
46% of California children have at least one immigrant parent.
9% of refugee arrivals initially resettle in California.
County health officials and immigrant support networks put the total number of newly arrived Ukrainians in California at 20,000 or more – a 33% increase to the 60,000 Ukrainian immigrants already living in the state.
The Student Wellness Services Department coordinates programs for foster youth to break down barriers to school enrollment and create academic stability for our students. Counselors advocate for the educational rights of students in foster care, and provide consultation and training to GUSD staff, collaborate with community agencies and caregivers on issues specific to students in foster care.
The Glendale Unified School District promotes school stability and academic success for students and families experiencing homelessness according to the federal mandates of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
GUSD provides support and services for refugee and asylee students and families, including afterschool tutoring and enrichment, youth mentorship, and parent information sessions focused on housing and job readiness.
"Currently, GUSD serves one hundred ninty students who are unhoused or foster children."